3 Benefits Of A Copy Machine For Any Business

copy machine

The fact is that most businesses have at least one copy machine in their workspace, even though the need for printed materials has declined over the years. However, there is still a demand for tangible hard copy documents in many situations and environments. Given the current state of print in general, have you given any thought to everything that copier in the corner can actually do for you? Whether your business is printing as usual, focused on reducing paper output, or working on going paperless altogether, there are several benefits that a state-of-the-art office copier can actually provide.


While it might sound contradictory, the correct office equipment purchase can actually assist in your attempts to reduce paper output or to go paperless altogether. Below are a few examples of how your copy machine can reduce paper use.


With a multifunctional printer or copier, you can take a hard copy document and scan it as a digital document directly to an email address or digital folder. This functionality eliminates the need to duplicate the paper multiple times for distribution to the proper individuals. Additionally, with the proper applications installed, that scanned document can also be converted to an editable file. This technology can improve complex workflows and eliminate the need to reproduce the document for editing purposes.

If you’re new to this feature or unsure how to utilize it, we cover all the bases in our article entitled Scan-To-Email Functionality. Save Money by Reducing Paper Use.


Most newer model copy machines have the ability to print or copy on both sides of the paper. For duplex copying, you will want to purchase a copy machine with single pass duplex scanning capabilities. This feature eliminates the need to flip the paper over and refeed the document to print on both sides.

The duplex feature can be setup to automatically duplex when printing or it can be selected as needed. When utilized regularly, this function will drastically cut down on your print output by up to 50%.

Not sure what the best copier is for your office environment? Try reading How to Pick The Best Copier.


The quality of a printed presentation given to a client can make or break the deal. You work hard to put together the right layout of data, content, and images. But ultimately, the visual product that comes off of the copy machine is the impression you are reliant upon. Imagine spending hours putting together a presentation and the printed product comes out dull, faded, or streaky. The client would look at that presentation and the content would be lost on them due the poor print quality.

When combined with the right paper option, a quality color copier will produce vibrant presentations that will wow your clients and seal the deal. If you regularly produce presentations or marketing materials, you may even want to consider a production printer. A production printer provides many optional features. Even at a basic level you will be able to make booklets, fold, and adjust the color to create materials that look like they came straight from a professional printer.


From training manuals to contracts and new hire paperwork to reports, the need to hole punch, staple and sort are all functions of document production that can be manually avoided if the features are included on your copy machine. If you are not already utilizing these features, you are spending a lot of wasted time repetitively performing these tedious tasks. Now imagine the documents coming straight out of the copier already hole punched, stapled, and/or sorted. The time that was previously spent manually performing these tasks is now filled performing higher level responsibilities. Sounds like a no-brainer.


Most people do not think of their copy machine as a jack-of-all-trades, but in actuality it can and should function as a key component of your office technology. When you utilize a properly selected copier to its fullest capacity, your business will realize savings across the board. In addition, your printed documents will be of the highest quality and establish the desired impression for your business. Do your research and make sure you’re dealing with a reputable company who listens to your needs and you will be set up for success. Read How to Pick the Best Copier Company Near You for more information on selecting a dealer.

Ford Office Technologies’ qualified sales representatives are available to evaluate your business needs and present a quality solution that meets your goals and your budget. Call 800.633.3673 today for your free consultation.

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