Virtual Infrastructure

A virtual infrastructure reduces costs and allows your systems to respond faster. Virtualization provides benefits such as server consolidation, disaster recovery, business continuity and a test environment. The technology creates a layer of abstraction between the computing, storage, and networking of your company’s hardware and software.

Ford Business IT offers complete business IT solutions to keep your company secure and productive.


Through virtual technology, we design your infrastructure leveraging your storage, network, and computing resources to achieve optimal performance at lower costs. Ford Office Technologies offers five different types of virtualization solutions that will be customized to fit the specific needs of your organization:

  • Server
  • Desktop
  • Software
  • Storage
  • Network


Virtual Infrastructure Services include:

  • Network Design & Implementation
  • Storage Solutions
  • Virtualization Solutions
  • Hyper-Converged Solutions
  • Remote Workers Solutions
  • VOIP & Hosted Voice Services
  • On-Premise, Private/Public Cloud,& Hybrid Datacenter Services
  • Backup, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity Services



virtual infrastructure
virtual infrastructure


The integrity of your business and your client’s privacy are imperative to your success. These can easily be jeopardized if you do not have a secure IT infrastructure. Simple firewalls and anti-virus software are no longer enough to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the critical systems that help you run your business.

As the ability and methods of hackers improves, your information security now requires a multi-layered in-depth approach that focuses on people, procedures, and technologies. Achieving the necessary compliance objectives to protect against these attacks is a continuous process, requiring extensive resources with a very broad skill set.

One of the ways Ford Office Technologies can guarantee your company’s security is by hosting our own data center. This data center satisfies internal audit and regulatory compliance and offers cloud computing and managed cloud hosting, as well as application replication and online backup. Our center also provides IT disaster recovery and managed security.

At Ford Office Technologies, we take specific steps to ensure a complete review of network security for our clients. Each component of our security compliance service was designed to handle a specific area of concern that provides the highest level of protection for your organization.




Virtual Infrastructure

Easy Management
Effective cost options
Components to save time
Increased flexibility and agility
Ability to automatically place data where you want it
Ability to increase storage

Ford's Managed IT offers complete business IT solutions to keep your company secure and productive.

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