
Document Management

Document Management

Despite the desire to move to a "paperless" environment, the reality is that paper records continue to be created, utilized and relied upon at the most critical moments. As a result, the need to store and manage paper records continues to grow.

Having an effective records management program not only develops the groundwork for compliance, but it also stabilizes the growth of records. Properly managing those records is essential to ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Every business needs a safe, compliant and affordable method of storing, retrieving and managing its hardcopy from inception through destruction. Ford Office Technologies has been providing document management services to government and businesses of all sizes since 2009. We offer complete management and conversion of paper and micrographics to digital images including books, newspapers, maps and other large formats. Ford understands your document management needs and provides solutions based on customer specific requirements and resources. Our services can:


  • Eliminate the need for unnecessary storage space
  • Reduce paper costs
  • Eliminate lost files due to human error
  • Find information quickly and efficiently
  • Decrease document discovery wait times
  • Simplify compliance issues with document tracking
  • Automate process tracking


What does document management mean?

Document management systems have matured from a basic archival and retrieval system to a complete information management solution. With technological advances, we have available to us the tools to properly manage paper documents and electronic files. You can store and index voice recordings, faxes, videos, pictures, drawings, computer output, and many other types of paper and electronic files. Workflow is now handled electronically rather than manually. Information can also be extracted from word processing software to populated fields in databases. You can store, catalog, and redistribute information via fax, email, internet or print it to paper or CD to share with one individual or the masses at a fraction of the cost.

What are the benefits of a document management system?

Document management helps companies be more efficient with time, which will save money. Document management systems can:


1. capture, index, retrieve, edit, annotate and distribute paper, electronic documents and images

2. link other software to your document management system for a customized solution

3. distribute large amounts of information in a wide range of formats


Document management is a way to easily manage your paper files electronically and create more office space as well as saving time instead of spending precious minutes trying to find that paper document. Paper documents are scanned in and made into an image file and filed electronically onto a computer storage hardware. You can easily retrieve, annotate, index and archive these files.

How are my documents captured?

Your documents are captured via scanning or electronic transfer.

How can I retrieve my documents?

By entering the index data or by doing a query based upon how you have the items indexed.

Can I share my documents after they have been captured?

Yes. You can send these documents via email, fax, print, or share via internet/intranet access.

What is optical character recognition?

Optical character recognition is a technology where typed or printed documents can be scanned as an electronic image. The characters can be recognized from the image and translated into a text format.

What is backfile conversion?
When a document management system is initially implemented, there is usually a lot of existing documents and information. The scanning of these old documents or converting of data from one format to a format accepted by the new document management system so they can be stored and retrieved electronically is called backfile conversion.
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